

2025 Operating Season May 16 to October 13, 2025

3138 Pereau Road, Blomidon, NS B0P 1H0
Telephone: (902) 582-7319



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Facilities and Services:
accessible icon Accessible Features

Park office
Restrooms with showers

camping icon 95 Unserviced Campsites

A mixture of open, partially wooded and wooded campsites. 
Parking, picnic table and campfire ring/grill.

Group Campsite Icon

Group Campsite

Contact the Natural Resources and Renewables Office in Kentville.
shower icon Restroom with Shower
Washroom facility with mens and womens washrooms with toilets and showers.
Parking area 30m from building with a gravel/grass path to entrance.  
Level, concrete landing leads to doorway  with 33" clear width and level thresholds.  
Accessible toilet stall with grab bars.  
Roll-in shower with mounted seat, grab bar, and a fixed showerhead.
vault toilet icon Vault Toilet (Outhouse) Vault toilets (outhouses) are available throughout the park
Drinking Water Icon Drinking Water Water taps are available throughout the campground
Trailer Dump icon Trailer Dump
Dump station available
park office icon Park Office New park office opening 2021.
Registration Kiosk icon Registration Kiosk Self registration from Sept 5th to October 12th
Firewood icon Firewood/Ice Firewood and ice can be purchased at the Park Office
Times posted at the park
Cooking Shelter Icon Cooking Shelter  
Program Area Icon Program Area Centrally located near the Emma Tichenor Campers' Centre, an outdoor space for 
public events and programs.
Group Use Shelter Icon Group Use Shelter

Emma Tichenor Campers' Centre 

waste recycling icon Waste/Recycling Waste sorting and recycling containers located throughout the park.
Please do not dispose of propane cylinders or coals in the garbage containers.
wifi icon Wi-Fi

Available at the park office and surrounding area.

Picnic table icon Day Use/Picnic Area Picnic tables, picnic shelters, water taps, vault toilets next to the Jodrey Trail.
Available for non-campers use.
Beach Access Icon

Beach Access

Saltwater on the Minas Basin. Tidal mud flats with sandstone and mudstone.
Parking, picnic tables, change house and trail access.

Change house icon Change House Located near the beach
trail icon Hiking Trail

A 13.5 km system of interconnected trails provides access to a variety of habitats and 
numerous scenic look-offs within the park. 

Hiking at Blomidon       

Trail Map

Playground icon Playground

Centrally located near the Emma Tichenor Campers' Centre 

Lookout icon Look Off Numerous look-offs on the trails.  
Accessible look-off at the top of the stairs to the beach

For information about nearby attractions, please visit Tourism Nova Scotia