Smileys Provincial Park Reopening 2024

Smileys Provincial Park Reopening 2024

We’re pleased to welcome back visitors at Smileys Provincial Park. The park will be open for camping until September 16 and for day-use until October 14. 

Campsites 16 – 81 are available for camping this season. Campsites 1 – 15 will remain closed. We do not plan to re-establish them due to their location on the flood plain. Planning, design, consultation and a management plan for Smileys will be forthcoming over the coming fiscal year. 

There is only one driving route available if travelling from Highway 101 due to storm damage to a bridge on Clayton McKay Road. Visitors should follow these directions to reach the park:

  • From Highway 101, take Exit 4.
  • Turn right onto Highway 1 towards Highway 215 East. 
  • Turn left onto Highway 215 East and follow for 6 km. 
  • Make a slight turn right onto Highway 14 and follow for 4 km. 
  • Turn right onto Ashdale Road. 
  • Turn right again onto Clayton McKay Road and travel 0.5 km to the park entrance.